Bias Variance Decomposition
引言 我们规定,训练集记为$\mathcal{D}$,我们从中取一个样本$\boldsymbol{x}$,其训练集标签为$y_{\mathca...
引言 我们规定,训练集记为$\mathcal{D}$,我们从中取一个样本$\boldsymbol{x}$,其训练集标签为$y_{\mathca...
难以承受之重 文本生成是 NLP 任务中比较典型的一类,记参数为$\boldsymbol{\theta }$,给定的 context 为$\boldsymbol{c}$...
问题 先规定一些术语:记选中元素构成的集合为$\mathcal{S}$,未选中构成的元素记为$\mathcal{R}$,$\mathbf{L}...
定义 若一个分布能够以下述方式进行表示,则称之为指数族( Exponential Family)的一员 $$ \begin{equation} p(y; \eta ) = b(y)\exp(\eta^{\mathbf{T}}T(y) - a(\eta )) \end{equation} $$ 其中$\eta$被称为分布的自然参数(n...
鉴于网上此类教程有不少模糊不清,对原理不得其法,代码也难跑通,故而花了几天细究了一下相关原理和实现,欢迎批评指正!代码开源在此: DL-Tools Cache effective tools for deep...
1. Gradient descent optimization Gradient-based methods make use of the gradient information to adjust the parameters. Among them, gradient descent can be the simplest. Gradient descent makes the parameters to walk a small step in the direction of the negative gradient. $$ \boldsymbol{w}^{\tau + 1} = \boldsymbol{w}^{\tau} - \eta \nabla_{\boldsymbol{w}^{\tau}} E \tag{1.1} $$ where $\eta, \tau, E$ label learning rate ($\eta > 0$), the iteration step and the loss function. Wait!...
Recently, I have read a blog about training neural networks (simplified as NN in the rest part of this post) and it is really amazing. I am going to add my own experience in this post along with summarizing that blog’s interesting part. Nowadays, it seems like that training NN is extremely easy for there are plenty of free frameworks which are simple to use (e.g. PyTorch, Numpy, Tensorflow). Well,...